First Few Hours in New Zealand

I was delighted to pass through this Maori carving gateway as I made my way to the Bio Security. I had filled in that my trainers had been on a farm. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for the introduction of foot and mouth disease to New Zealand.  The girl checking them did a great job of steam cleaning them and gave them back to me in a nice plastic bag.

Once I came into the arrivals hall I was anxiously scanning around for Peter, who at 6’ 6” is pretty hard to miss. He suddenly materialised in front of me and as I had done when we landed I felt a bit emotional. It’s quite something to be back after 13 years. 

The drive back to Milford took rather longer than it should have and as we detoured around various streets of Ponsonby and finally crossed the bridge Peter remarked that we’d been on a real Tiki Tour. 

2 Replies to “First Few Hours in New Zealand”

  1. Wonderful carving. How lovely for you to be in NZ again. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. xxx

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